A Short Rest Dilemma

Explore the intriguing world of excessive Short Rests in Dungeons & Dragons 5E. The Rules As Written don’t restrict the number of Short Rests, but how do you handle it without slowing down gameplay? Dive into the mechanics and creative solutions that can make your TTRPG experience more immersive and balanced.

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Unearthed Arcana 6: The Paladin

Explore the latest changes to the Paladin class in Unearthed Arcana 6. From Lay on Hands becoming a Bonus Action to intriguing adjustments to spell-casting, the Paladin’s core class, subclasses, and mechanics have been refined. Dive into an analysis of these alterations and how they shape the Paladin’s role in D&D 5E.

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Future of D&D 6: Monk Stuff

Discover the innovative and balanced rework of the Monk class in D&D, highlighting the introduction of fresh subclasses, refined spells, feats, and weapons. This comprehensive playtest promises to invigorate gameplay and foster a more dynamic gaming environment.

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Out of Combat Conflict

Out of combat conflicts in tabletop role-playing games, such as Dungeons and Dragons, can lead to a heightened level of tension and frustration within the group. The roots of conflict can arise from in-game disagreements or external group issues. However, through understanding different perspectives and employing effective communication techniques, game masters can defuse tension, resolve conflicts, and improve the overall gaming experience.

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