Scare Your Players in New Ways: Zombie Edition
Zombies are iconic in the horror world. There is a classic sort of fear that comes from the relentless undead. But the classic zombie, a slow and unending danger, can become a little bland at times. It doesn’t fit all settings, and it can get old after a while. So here are some different variations on a zombie that you can use in your game.
🗒️ GM Note – Adapting Zombies to Your Setting:
When introducing these zombie variations, consider how they fit into your world’s lore. Are they created by dark necromancy, an ancient curse, a viral outbreak, or natural phenomena like fungal infestations? Tying them to your setting’s themes can make them feel more immersive and memorable.
Tips for Integration:
- Link Fast Zombies to blood magic or a cursed plague for a supernatural twist.
- Have Infectious Zombies arise from a magical disease spreading through a region.
- Make Fungal Zombies the result of a druid’s corruption or an ancient forest reclaiming its land.
By weaving the zombies into your world’s narrative, you enhance the immersion for your players and elevate the tension in your encounters.
Table of Contents
Fast Zombies
Photo from 28 Days Later
The undead don’t have to be slow and shambling. Instead, they are fast, relentless predators driven by an insatiable hunger.
What Makes It Unique:
Fast Zombies create urgency and chaos in combat encounters. Where a standard zombie is a slow, shuffling threat, these zombies force players to rethink their strategies. Their agility makes them harder to hit, even at a distance, and eliminates the luxury of time for the party to regroup or prepare.
Fast Zombies move much faster than normal zombies, with a speed of 30–40 feet per turn. Their increased agility makes them better at attacking, with a higher attack bonus, but they still have low defenses (low AC) due to their decaying bodies. This speed also makes them harder to hit when farther away, especially since the Fast Zombie might have increased AC against ranged attacks. They can use abilities like Dash for extra speed or Lunge to close the gap with their prey.
Media Examples
"28 Days Later" (2002): Introduced the concept of fast-moving, rage-driven infected that terrorize survivors.
"World War Z" (2013): Features swarming, hyper-aggressive zombies that climb and sprint to overwhelm survivors.
Infectious Zombies
Photo from The Walking Dead
Another classic trope is the infectious nature of a zombie. These monsters spread their infection, hindering those they bite and turning them into undead themselves if left untreated.
What Makes It Unique:
Infectious Zombies add a ticking clock to the game. Players must balance the immediate danger of battle with the looming threat of infection spreading within the party or NPCs. This escalation builds tension, especially when every bite introduces the possibility of an exponential outbreak.
Infectious Zombies spread their plague through a bite that can infect victims after any contact. This effect builds over time, with a delayed transformation mechanic that gives players a chance to intervene. However, curing the infection often requires powerful magic, rare herbs, or specific rituals, creating tension as time runs out. GMs can also explore alternative infection mechanics, like NPCs succumbing to the plague to highlight the growing danger.
Media Examples:
"The Walking Dead" (TV series, 2010–2022): Depicts the traditional infectious zombie bite turning victims into undead if not stopped.
"Resident Evil" series: The T-Virus creates zombies that spread infection through bites, scratches, and other biohazards.
Fungal Zombies
Photo from The Last of Us
Sometimes the process that makes a zombie can make them more unique. Fungal Zombies are reanimated by parasitic fungi, giving them a disturbing, alien appearance and behavior.
What Makes It Unique:
Fungal Zombies add a biological twist to the traditional undead. Their spores present unique environmental dangers that persist beyond combat, creating tension even outside encounters. The fungal theme allows for grotesque descriptions, emphasizing their eerie movements and unnerving growths.
Fungal Zombies release toxic clouds of spores when damaged or killed, creating hazards on the battlefield. These spores can cause poison damage or impair visibility, forcing players to be strategic. Some Fungal Zombies might also use grasping fungal tendrils to slow or entangle enemies. Infected areas covered with fungi can become environmental hazards, slowing movement or creating areas of lingering danger for anyone passing through.
Media Examples:
"The Last of Us" (2013/2023): Features Cordyceps-infected humans that become grotesque, fungal-like monsters.
🗒️ GM Note – Balancing Zombie Encounters:
Zombies can range from easy obstacles to deadly threats depending on how you design encounters. Keep your players’ levels, abilities, and available resources in mind when choosing which zombie types to use.
Balancing Tips:
- Use Fast Zombies sparingly at lower levels to avoid overwhelming the party.
- Limit the spread of Infectious Zombies to manageable numbers to prevent cascading disasters.
- Adjust Horde Zombies’ collective HP and damage output to challenge the party without wiping them out.
Test encounters beforehand if possible, and be ready to adjust on the fly based on how your players handle the challenge.
Horde of Zombies
Photo from Days Gone
While not necessarily different from your classic shambling undead, a Horde of Zombies shifts the focus to the sheer terror of numbers.
What Makes It Unique:
Horde Zombies function as a single entity with shared HP and collective attacks, similar to swarm mechanics. When the horde is damaged, individual zombies can break off to create smaller threats, forcing the players to manage both the larger mass and its scattered pieces. The horde's overwhelming numbers demand area-of-effect attacks and crowd control strategies, making them a dynamic and resource-intensive encounter.
Horde Zombies are effectively a large group of creatures treated like a single entity (e.g. swarm mechanics with shared HP and attacks). When attacked, parts of the horde can break off into individual zombies when damaged.
Media Examples:
"Train to Busan" (2016): Highlights the terror of overwhelming zombie hordes in confined spaces.
"Night of the Living Dead" (1968): The quintessential horde of slow, shambling zombies overwhelming survivors en masse.
🗒️ GM Note – Customizing Horde Zombies:
Horde Zombies can be any of the previous zombie types for added flavor. For example, you could use a Horde of Fast Zombies or Infectious Zombies to create a more dynamic and terrifying encounter. This flexibility allows you to adapt the horde to fit your game’s tone and challenge level.
Key Reminder:
- Adjust the horde’s strength carefully to avoid overwhelming your players.
- Combine traits from different zombie types strategically to keep the encounter fresh and engaging.
By tailoring Horde Zombies to your specific game, you can create unique challenges that maintain balance while still keeping your players on edge.
Photo by Mitja Juraja:
Zombies are a versatile tool for building tension and horror in your games. By tweaking their traits or introducing new mechanics, you can keep your players on their toes while maintaining the iconic dread that zombies bring. Try out these variations and watch your players face the undead like never before!