About Bjarke the Bard

You spot a campfire off the road. by it sits a single individual…

My name is Bryan. I have played Role-Playing Games since I was in High School, and have GM’d for about 4-5 years regularly in various games. I primarily play Dungeons and Dragons but I also have experience with other systems such as Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, and the Shadowrun, to name a few.

My interest in GMing came soon after I returned to Dungeons and Dragons after a somewhat long hiatus. I had time to play a homebrew game. My character was a bard by the name of Bjarke. It was in that game that my interests in D&D moved from playing to running games.

The community is one of the most useful tools when learning to play. Reading through forums and blog posts always helped me figure out how best to approach my challenges. A place where I could post my thoughts and discuss them with the community. In order to do that, I created this blog.

This blog is a space for me to note my progress as I learn to DM. I will put my thoughts on DMing here to both note my progress and serve as a place to discuss my thoughts. I hope that through this, I can improve my own abilities and provide my thoughts for others to gain insight. From figuring out where to begin DMing, to running a pre-written campaign, to home brewing from your mind, I hope to provide insight from my journey that can be helpful. So take a seat by the fire and use hit dice if you have any. I have a story to tell.