The Future of D&D

On August 18th, Wizards of the Coast Announced their plans for the future of Dungeons and Dragons. I take a look at the announcement and playtest material and give you my thoughts on the Future of D&D.

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Bryan Cetroni Comments
Running the Game - New Players at the Table

Sometimes you get the chance to add new players to an existing table. You have the possibility of increasing your table count. It can be an exciting time, but also the potential for headaches and chaos. In my time I have had a few players join and have come up with methods I like to use that keeps my games moving forwards.

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Spice Up Your Campaign 2 - What's in your cup?

The first follow up to my article on crafting food in a fantasy world. In this article, I am going to focus on alcoholic beverages, separated into low to medium alcohol content beverages, such as beer or wine, and high alcohol distilled beverages, such as liquor and spirits. These all feel quite iconic in the tabletop games I have played, and in fantasy media. The idea of the adventuring party meeting at a tavern, with frothy pints of ale. A fine banquet being held, with the local Duke bragging about an extremely rare vintage of wine. All these examples fit perfectly into a fantasy setting.

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Bryan CetroniComment
Letting Failure Play A Part

Sometimes a simple pass or fail does not cut it. It gives a result, but can fall flat. It might slow momentum, or just give a one-sided result. Can we still simulate some aspect of failing the check and still keep the game moving forwards? Perhaps with a way that encourages collaborative storytelling? By embracing the principle of Failing Forward, we can do that.

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Soft Skills - Talents for your Table and your Resume

When I first started DMing, I knew I had a lot to learn. My abilities to craft and run DnD sessions improved steadily, but I noticed certain issues would persist. I had improved my skills specifically for running DnD. While those improved, I did not put any focus on my skills to run and manage a group, also known as Soft Skills.

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Bryan CetroniComment
How to Manage Your Resource Pools to Maintain Tone

As I mentioned previously, Dungeons and Dragons is at its core a game of extraordinary individuals becoming heroes. When the party has more to throw at a problem, there will be less of a worry that they cannot overcome the obstacle. If you decide to use resource pools to assist with storytelling, you will have a few methods that you can employ to control them.

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Bryan CetroniComment
Wow Your Party with Quick NPCs

Do you worry about NPC names? Struggle to come up with something unique and authentic sounding for your world. Everyone named John? This article is for you. I go over the methods I have used for making names, and even creating detailed NPCs on the fly If you want to hone your NPC game, come take a look!

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Bryan Cetroni Comment
Session 0-2, Mid Campaign Debriefs

You get a group together to play a game. You have a Session 0, and go over the important topics prior to starting the game. You set the goals for the campaign, go over consent forms, and everyone is ready to play. The entire table feels like they agree. That is it, right? You are done discussing, and can just play the game. Not necessarily. Ultimately, things will change as you progress, and because of that, it is important to stay on the same page. Having a regular conversation with the party can help with that. I do this, calling these mid game debriefs my “Session 0-2s”.

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Bryan CetroniComment
Spice Up Your Campaign: Designing Food at the Table

When painting an image of your setting, the smaller details can be just as meaningful as the broader strokes you make. Focusing on the finer points of a setting can help tell your story in more subtle ways. There are many characteristics you can focus on, but for me I like to look at the food and drink of my setting. What the inhabitants of my world are eating and drinking tells so much about it.

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Dealing with Burnout

Burnout is a common challenge faced by Dungeon Masters in Dungeons & Dragons. Learn to identify the symptoms, understand the causes, and implement strategies for resolving burnout to ensure a healthy and enjoyable gaming experience for everyone at the table.

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How I Handle Cancellations at the Table

In this post, we explore ways to handle cancellations in tabletop games, such as preparing a plan, dealing with last-minute changes, and maintaining communication with your players. Discover effective tips for DMs to make the gaming experience smooth and enjoyable for everyone involved.

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Bryan CetroniComment
My Tips for Running Horror in 5e

Running a horror-themed D&D campaign can be a thrilling experience for both the Dungeon Master and the players. Explore valuable tips for setting the stage, creating a safe space, using optional rules, and building suspense, while maintaining an enjoyable atmosphere for everyone involved.

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